
Hey, I'm Jeff Agostinelli.

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The One Thing That Will Make You Stand Out In A Crowded Marketplace

Jeff Agostinelli July 13, 2024 Read time: 3 minutes Read the online version here The One Thing That Will Make You Stand Out In A Crowded Marketplace There’s one thing that will make your business stand out in a crowded marketplace above anything else. And it’s the last thing coaches and creators focus on. But when you do this and do it well. You will stand out. Because you can have… The best marketing Landing pages that make people salivate Killer videos that pop and provide tons of value...

Jeff Agostinelli May 25, 2024 Read time: 5 minutes Read the online version here This Is Why Your Messaging Is Confusing Your Customer When you’ve developed a level of mastery with your craft you overestimate the level of understanding of your customers. And one of the biggest mistakes I see coaches make in the transformational and personal development space is that they’re just too smart. They use more sophisticated language which is a reflection of their level of mastery and experience on...

Jeff Agostinelli May 11, 2024 Read time: 6 minutes Read the online version here When Your Focus Sucks Prioritize These 3 Things When you think of reigning in your focus what comes to mind? Most likely it’s a list of techniques that look something like this… The Pomodoro Method Time Blocking Minimizing distractions Planning your day the night before “Eat the frog” Protect your mornings And the list goes on. There’s an abundance of techniques to improve your focus and get more done. I use a lot...

Jeff Agostinelli April 27, 2024 Read time: 8 minutes Read the online version here Understanding What Drives Action and Practicing Moments of Pause Most of us are conditioned to constantly be doing something. To hurry up and get out the door. To “stop messing around” and get something done. To not waste time doing something unproductive or that doesn’t bear fruit. Most of who we are and what we’re led to believe is useful is conditioned behavior. A bundle of neurons reacting to stimulus. And...

Jeff Agostinelli April 13, 2024 Read time: 10 minutes Read the online version here How to Stand Out In Your Niche Without Needing to Compete There are a ton of business coaches out there. Same with Men’s coaches Trauma-informed practitioners Personal coaches And every other niche and moniker known to man. More people get hung up on these things than anything else… What do I put in my bio?What do I call myself?What’s my niche statement? (I help x do y so they can z) These are definitely...

Jeff Agostinelli March 30, 2024 Read time: 5 minutes Read the online version here The Simple Key to Effortless Content Creation Needing to create content carries a significant weight. A lot goes into coming up with new ideas, planning posts and videos, and finding the time to shoot videos or write posts. Not to mention all the internal chatter... Does this make sense? Are people going to like it? Is this going to make me look stupid? After years of content creation, I've had to find ways to...

Jeff Agostinelli March 16, 2024 Read time: 13 minutes Read the online version here Why Your Need for Freedom Is Keeping You Stuck I remember the first time I had a beach holiday as a business owner. It was one of those moments where I thought I made it. Until I got there and realized how much it sucked trying to work from my laptop on the front porch of our Air BnB. Trying to control the light of the screen, trying to focus, managing gear… It’s a fucking nightmare, not a dream. The fact of...

Jeff Agostinelli February 17, 2024 Read time: 4 minutes Read the online version here The Art of The Start: How to Beat Procrastination Procrastination gets tossed around lightly as if it’s nothing to be concerned about. This doesn’t take into account one thing that makes procrastination so insidious. It robs you of the one thing you’ll never be able to get back. Time. There are many ways to define procrastination. If we go with the meaning as seen by Webster’s Dictionary to put off...

Jeff Agostinelli February 17, 2024 Read time: 10 minutes Read the online version here Maximize Your Day With Time Blocking We all have the same 24 hours in a day. And still, most equate doing more work with making faster progress. Now in some cases, more is absolutely the answer. Unless you’re already working at a rate where you wonder how the heck you’re going to be able to keep this pace. I’ve been there. In fact, it used to be my default. Any time I would set a big goal or get into a...

Jeff Agostinelli February 3, 2024 Read time: 11 minutes Read the online version here Why You Lose Momentum and How to Get it Back When we look at our goals, most people measure progress against how much farther they have to go. In some cases that lights a fire under their ass to keep going. In others, it adds something unwanted. doubtfearapprehensionimpatience Thoughts of… Will I ever get there?How much longer is this going to take?I don’t know if I can do this. Focusing on the gigantic chasm...